Spirit and Retreat Tour
Imagine a place where one’s everyday qualms melt away into a scenic splendour of dramatic mountain ranges and fertile green valleys. The gentleness of the people, the far-away landscape and deep Buddhist faith, all come together to create an atmosphere where peace of mind can be found in abundance. The slow-pace of the natural life in Bhutan makes for an unrushed journey, affording you the time and space to reconnect with self and to unwind. Our packages include yoga retreats, meditation retreats, as well as silent retreats at highly revered monasteries, to hot springs and health spas to relax and to soak up Bhutan’s splendour. If you wish to learn more about Buddhism and its age old wisdoms, we can arrange special visits to selected monasteries to meet and stay with English speaking monks and priests. A journey of this nature may well unfold into a life-transforming experience.